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Monday, August 18, 2008
Inaugural Blog Entry: Because D.D. Scott Says So ...
Going For The Gusto:
Yesss!!! Woohoo!!! You go, girl, and all that high-five jazz!!! Welcome to my inaugural blog for the launch of www.ddscott.com. In case my frenetic use of exclamation marks hasn't convinced you, I'm ecstatic!!
I've spent my lifetime going for the gusto, refusing to look back, and busting my butt to achieve my dream of becoming a published writer. And I'm almost there!! Here I go ... grab your favorite pair of sexy stilettos or stompin' hot cowboy boots and dance with me.
Besides bootscootin' , I'm a quote kind of gal, always pulling fabulous quips out of somewhere when I need a pick me up or quick kick in the pants. I plan to share a bunch of my favorite gems with you (and invite you to share with me). So, to start things off, here's the one I have taped to my writing desk:
"Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there." --- Will Rogers
Wow, Will!! Roger that!! Besides the fact that I have a tough time sitting still period, I simply don't want to. I've got all these sexy, sassy, smart stories filling my head and a tremendous well of restless energy buzzing my body to get a move on.
But don't think for a millisecond that I haven't had moments in my life where the wet blankets and crazymakers have about done me in. Thanks to Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way, however, I banished them from my queen-dom and sprinted to catch up with where I should be if I hadn't had to dodge their B.S.
And talk about dodging B.S., my Sweet Man has put up with so much of mine he deserves more lovin' than I could ever give him. He's accumulated close to the tractor pass points needed for the new John Deere he's fixated on, but I'm going to make him work a little harder for that reward.
So that you can empathize with Sweet Man's plight as a romance writer’s real life hero, he's going to guest blog (starting today...for double tractor pass points) about what it takes to be the king of a romance writing empire. Being as the poor guy spends so much time helping me with research, he could probably use another outlet for his creativity. Keep in mind these thoughts are in his point of view not mine. But since I worship the ground the guy would rather be mowing than paying attention to my B.S., I'm good with that. I love him too damn much to not give him a voice on what it's like to love, live with and manage a romance writer.
Being a writer is going for the gusto. An ego-busting balls ride. I keep pumping out pages, typing “The End” on manuscript after manuscript, fleshing out ideas to my Sweet Man, my walls, my dog, whoever and whatever is willing to listen or simply unable to escape. I've become a writing contest slut, never finalling in a damn one of 'em. I've sucked up rejection after rejection until I landed a fabulous agent. I've found one terrific web designer. And here I am...one pending sale shy of being a published author.
So this is it...welcome to the launch of my world... www.ddscott.com. It's all about the stories of sexy, sassy, smart, career-driven women and the men who complete them.
Check back often. I'll blog regularly (along with Sweet Man). Keep you current on my books. Let you behind the scenes of my writing life. Share great quotes. And give you a free pass into my sexy, sassy, smart fun.
And speaking of sexy, sassy, smart fun, make sure you enter my inaugural contest and sign-up for my mailing list.
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