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Monday, January 4, 2010
Snap Plan 2010
Happy New Year!!!
I just finished my 2010 Snap Plan and wanted to share a bit about it!
What is a Snap Plan?
It's the D. D. Scott way - thanks to tips from fabulous YA 2010 debut author Kay Cassidy (http://www.kaycassidy.com)- of getting my intentions and goals on paper so I can then go for the gusto of achieving 'em.
After having big-time discussions with my SweetMan over the holidays, I've come to the conclusion that I'm driving myself nuts (I know...what a shock...LOL!) and probably my SweetMan too (also not much of a shock) by worrying beyond worrying about selling my manuscripts.
So here's the new year, new me, going for the gusto D. D. Scott Snap Plan 2010 Mission Statement:
"I'm focusing on my writing process and not my products.
I'm not fixated on the need to have something to show for my work. To sell...I must first write. So I'm not going to worry about selling my work...I'm just Julia Cameron-style "filling the form" by writing and building our AVON business (http://www.youravon.com/dawnwagner)
I always rush to the edge of the cliff. Not this year. 2010 is about taking the baby steps to our D. D. Scott dreams. My 2010 conceptual change is to respect and bask in where we are now - our present moment, not the big change that may/may not come. I'm not going to wallow in the big questions 'will/when will I sell' and 'when will/will we move to TN'. This year - 2010 - is all about honing my craft, filling the form, focusing on my writing process and inspiring others to do the same via Muse Therapy and growing our AVON business.
No trumpets will be sounding in 2010 to announce/herald our destiny. I'm not going to focus on grand change, but rather creatively husband our present - our home, our relationships, and my jobs (as a full-time writer, Muse "Therapist", and AVON Representative-Sales Leader)."
Sounds pretty fabulous, doesn't it? And you betchya I'm on it and on my way to making it my (and SweetMan's too) reality!
How about all of you?
What is 2010 all about for you?
Sexy Sassy Smart Wishes --- D. D. Scott
P.S. I'm kicking-off my 2010 Snap Plan with a Muse Therapy Online Class for http://www.coloradoromancewriters.org/ Sign-up today!!! Class starts tomorrow - 1/5/10!!!Labels: Being a Gutsy Romance Writer Girl
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Good on you!
My goals (writing and otherwise) are on the theme of "Dreams come to fruition" -- time to start harvesting the fruits of all the hard work I've done so far.
What will it take to achieve this? I'm guessing more hard work :-)
Way to go DD! Now I feel you getting Zen with the Universe (the big "U" as I call it).
Practicing the Present is such an awesome (and extremely difficult) habit to cultivate.
I've finally recognized that the big "U" as it were, was holding just about everything I wanted -- and certainly EVERYTHING I needed - and offering it to me on a silver platter.
My job for this year, to organize myself to take advantage of everything -- and I mean just about everything -- I've asked for.
Isn't it grand?
Terry Newman
Hi, Deborah!
Luv your "harvesting the fruits" goals and approach to 2010!
Meanwhile, I'll be learning how to enjoy and bask-in my nuthouse of a writing journey! LOL!
Sexy Sassy Smart Harvesting the Fruits Wishes --- D. D. Scott
Thanks bunches, Terry!
I'm definitely Zen-ing my way thru 2010 and the big "U"! Fun stuff!
And you're so right! The Present - as in our aha now moment - is a gift!
The big "U" is full of 'em...if we just remain open to receiving them!
Sexy Sassy Smart Big "U" Wishes ---D. D. Scott