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Tuesday, June 2, 2009
It's All About Happily Ever Afters...Well...And The Fabulous Farces That Get You There!!!
As a wanna-be Romantic Comedy Queen, it's up to me to take my sexy, sassy, smart, career-driven women and hook 'em up with some smarter and sexier-than-hell hero to create a fabulous fairytale of a Happily Ever After.
How fun is that job?!
And to take it wayyyyy up a good notch or two...by writing Romantic Comedies, I get the added bonus of coming up with an outrageous farce to bring my hero and heroine together, threaten their sanity by staying together, then going-for-the-gusto of love by keepin' 'em together for that Happily Ever After.
You know the type of story I mean...that 'When Harry Met Sally', 'Because I Said So', 'Something's Gotta Give' keeper kinda' story that you can watch or read over and over and over and laugh and/or cry a thousand times.
And as much of a hoot as the characters are on their own merit, there's something just sooooo wrong that it's sooooo right about the way they get together - that magical farce of a first meeting that forever changes their destiny.
Some of us writers have experienced that same kind of once in a lifetime happily ever after, and writer Janie Mason has created a very special page to honor the end result of those serendipity-like moments. Check out her Happily Ever After Page at janiemason.com/HEA/
Do any of you out there have your own farce-ful, slap stick comedy Happily Ever After stories?
We'd love to hear 'em...c'mon don't be shy...post your how-you-got-it Happily Ever Afters right here with us!
Sexy, Sassy, Smart Wishes --- D. D. Scott
P.S. I'll be posting soon about one such story. Here's a prequel...check out Speed TV's "Wrecked: Life In The Crash Lane". I just met the Gratziannas, the stars of the show, and wow do they have a heckuva story! Here's the link: www.speedtv.com/programs/wreckedLabels: Lovin' and Livin'
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D.D., thanks for spotlighting my Happily Ever After page on your blog. I hope your readers stop by to see if they recognize any of my author friends.
My sweetie and I didn't have anything slapstick funny bring us together but our first date did end rather unexpectedly. David pulled out his wallet to pay the tab, only to find it empty. He was 19 at the time and didn't have a credit card. Seems his father had come into his bedroom that morning and asked if he could borrow the twenty David had in his wallet. He moaned "Okay" to his father and immediately fell back asleep. He had no memory of it happening until his dad paid him back the next day. Anyway, it was a good thing I had some cash and could pay the bill. He was mortified but I didn't mind. I thought he was so cute and nice I kept him. 27 years later, I'm so glad I did.
Great first date story, Janie!
Thanks for stopping by to chat.
Here's the scoop on my Sweet Man and I's first meet-and-greet and resulting love of a lifetime HEA:
I was our local newspaper's crime reporter and was going over reports at the sheriff's department.
My Sweet Man was the Captain on duty at the time and stopped in the report room to introduce himself, thank me for the great reporting, and offer his assistance if I ever needed anything.
Ohhhh...I needed lots of help...LOL!!!
And what writer heroine can resist a hot hero who loves her work?!!!
We started meeting for coffee once a week or so and ended up falling head over heels in love during coffee breaks and great conversation.
Sexy, Sassy, Smart Wishes --- D. D. Scott