Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Behind and Beyond My Books (LIP GLOCK): The Swine Element
Happy Tuesday, D. D. Scott-ville!
Boy...did me and The DH have a huge aha moment this weekend!!!
Yep...The DH was actually helping me brainstorm plotting ideas for my August release LIP GLOCK - Book Two of The Cozy Cash Mysteries.
And here's a hint at what we came-up with:

That's right...LIP GLOCK and all the Cozy Cash Mysteries hereafter will have a big-time...
"Swine" Element!!!
No more hints for now...just know that the Cozy Cash Mysteries do deal with...
A. A Ton of "swine"-like thugs
B. Tons of wine-and-dining in Zoey and Roman's royal, red-carpet worlds...or could that be "swine"-and-dining? LOL!
C. A ton of Cozy Cash-style crimes in the worlds of Wall Street and the "pork" barrel politics influencing all that money and those markets
D. And certainly tons of various "bring home the bacon" angles
R U gettin' the Piggly-Wiggly picture now?! LOL! Do they have even Piggly-Wiggly groceries in Europe? I'll have to research that...LOL!
And u betchya, there's gonna be a ton of Bond-style mud-slingin' goin' on too!
So there you have it...LIP GLOCK and its Swine Element...a total "out-of-money experience" or so says the too cute Piggy Bank the DH bought me Saturday at a Cracker Barrel Restaurant and Shop!
Sexy Sassy Smart Swine-Filled Wishes --- D. D. ScottLabels: Behind and Beyond My Books, Being a Gutsy Romance Writer Girl, Lip Glock, Muse Therapy Extra Tips and Tidbits, My Writing Process or Lack There Of, The Cozy Cash Mysteries
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What a "porker" way to get your muses in gear! Keep up the great writing!!!