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Friday, June 5, 2009
Muse Therapy Is Officially Launched and Making A Huge Debut!!!
Happy Friday, All!!!
I'm thrilled to fill you in on the launch of my Muse Therapy Online Classes and Live Workshops!
The idea is proving to be a huge hit! I'm booking dates like crazy!!!
Here's the scoop -
You can catch one of my Muse Therapy Online Classes or Live Workshops at the following venues:
Sept 14 thru Sept 28, 2009 - RWA Chick Lit Writers of the World Online Class (www.chicklitwriters.com)
Oct 12 thru Nov 7, 2009 - OCCRWA Online Class (www.occrwa.org)
Mar 2010 - GCCRWA Silken Sands Conference Live Workshop Pensacola FL (www.gccrwa.com)
Apr 2010 - RWA Carolina Romance Writers Online Class (www.carolinaromancewriters.com)
I've got several other classes lined-up too. I'm just waiting to confirm dates in order to add them to the schedule. Woohoo!
Currently, I'm driving my DH nuts waiting to hear whether or not I'll be providing Muse Therapy for the 2010 RT BookLovers' Convention in Columbus OH and for RWR in an article-based Muse Therapy series.
So what is Muse Therapy?
Muse Therapy - D. D. Scott style - is all about injecting life into tired and/or stressed out muses. I'll give writers fun and fabulous tools to analyze their muses' funks, reign in their creative divas and up their page counts.
Discover what makes them tick. What ticks them off. And what makes them dance like nobody's watching.
We'll name your muses and host a very special meet-and-greet just for them, then dig deep into their psyches by examining "muse disorders" such as:
** Unleashing Your Inner Sybil
** Writing Bi-Polar: I Suck vs. I'm a Genius
** What Do You Mean I'm Neurotic? No, I'm Not. Well, Not Exactly. But Okay...There Are Times When. Like You Need to Know That. Anyway, I Was Thinking, My Jeep Is Red
** Rorschach For Writers: I See Dead Lines
** Stimulants: When Coffee, Chocolate and Martinis Aren't Enough
Once we recognize, acknowledge and accept our muses' afflictions, we'll find terrific tricks and "trips" to treat our word witches.
I provide Muse Therapy Online Classes for either two or four weeks and can do a Live Workshop anywhere from an hour to a full day. Just depends on how long you'd like to be in therapy. LOL!!
I'll provide fabulous hand-outs and super-cool tchotchkes for all participants. Muse Therapy Live also has a fabulous PowerPoint presentation and hilariously productive, interactive exercises!
More information will be available soon on my website www.DDScott.com as well as at all sites hosting therapy sessions.
If you are a member of a writing group and would like to be "in therapy" with your muses, email me here at my website. I'll be glad to see if I can work you into my schedule.
And make sure you sign-up for my e-newsletter as I'll have a fabulous Muse Therapy contest this month for my subscribers.
Leave a comment now for this blog post and be entered to win a special Muse Therapy treat!
Tell me what trips your muses' triggers...or ask me any questions about Muse Therapy D. D. Scott style...
Sexy, Sassy, Smart Wishes --- D. D. ScottLabels: Muse Therapy
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Good Morning D.D., Your new blog sounds quite interesting for all of your upcoming workshops! Keep them coming! As you would say-----WooHoo!!!
Thanks for stopping by, Jaw!
I'm having a terrific time developing my Muse Therapy, and it's thrilling to get such enthusiasm from my fellow writers.
I've created a fun and fabulous "therapy" that can nourish a writer's muses and let them know they're not alone in their quirky journey to publication.
Sexy, Sassy, Smart Wishes --- D. D. Scott
Great news about the workshops!
I don't know what genre you write. If you or anyone you know writes romance, I have a contest on my blog you might be interested in checking out. It's at: http://lynnettelabelle.blogspot.com
Lynnette Labelle
Thanks for stopping by, Lynnette!
I checked out your blog. Well done!
I see you write romantic suspense. Love that.
I write romantic comedies with a chick lit, gone-country twist.
I'm already in a fabulous critique group but wish you much luck finding new members for yours.
Hope to see you "in therapy"...LOL!!!
Sexy, Sassy, Smart Wishes --- D. D. Scott