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Thursday, June 25, 2009
Twitter, iTouch, Terrific Web Designers and Therapy
Okay, All...the day has come for D. D. Scott to up the ante on her technological prowess...and oh yeahhhh, that's an up the ante that's a darn huge hill to climb...this chick is sooooo not techno savvy...but I'm a tryin'!
This week, I've made some fabulous leaps...screw the baby steps...we're talkin' I'm goin' for the gusto big time!!!
So here's the scoop:
** I'm on Twitter!!! Come Tweet with me at twitter.com/ddscottromcom
** Sweet Man and I are loving our new iTouch!!! We're working our way up to either iPhones or Blackberry Storms (any thoughts, tips, or suggestions you all have would be much appreciated)
** We have the greatest web designers around. Here's a big shout out to Shelley and Peggy of WebCrafters. Check them out at www.webcraftersdesign.com.
** And check out my website updates and additions at www.DDScott.com. Be looking for a brand new Muse Therapy Page and a fabulous new D. D. Scott Muse Therapy Logo Girl. Not sure what Muse Therapy is? 'Til the new page is up, click on my blog post right before this one for the whole spiel.
Sexy, Sassy, Smart Wishes and Hope To See You "In Therapy" --- D. D. ScottLabels: Terrific Techno Tidbits
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