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Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Debut of D. D. Scott "Promo Ho" Bag
Fun and Fabulous News!!!
I'm debuting my D. D. Scott "Promo Ho" bag in two weeks in Washington DC during the RWA National Conference July 15th thru 18th!!! Here's the scoop on the conference: www.rwanational.org/cs/conferences_and_events
And here's the scoop on the bag-of-all-bags:
I'll be in DC from July 11th thru the 20th. Find me and my bag either in the hotel or out-and-about in DC, and you'll get a fabulous D. D. Scott tchotchke!!!
The bag is a huge, Beijo dark raspberry Luxe Collection Getaway bag, hand-painted by my fabulous friend and artist Teri Partridge of the Pear Tree Gallery. Check out her work at www.peartreegallery.com.
I'll post pictures of the bag before I leave for DC on July 10th.
Stop me and introduce yourself, sign-up for my mailing list, and you're the proud owner of a D. D. Scott Sexy, Sassy, Smart Stuff tchotchke.
And here's an added bonus...by signing up for my mailing list, not only do you get a tchotchke on the spot, but you'll be entered to win a grand prize (TBA) drawn from all the people who sign-up during my trip.
It's that simple and that much fun!!!
I want to meet you. So don't be shy!!!
Sexy, Sassy, Smart Wishes --- D. D. Scott http://www.DDScott.comLabels: Being a Gutsy Girl
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