Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Sometimes Being an Author Makes You...Faint!
Happy Tuesday, D. D. Scott-ville!
Last Friday, I had one of the most amazing experiences thus far in my writing-for-publication career, and I just had to share it.
So...I'm sitting in my fave comfy chair, a Keurig Hot Cocoa Cup close-by and my Kindle in my lap, just like I do every Friday, after lunch, catching up on the week's publishing industry blogs and grogs...
When what to my wondering eyes should appear...oh wait...wrong story...but trust me, this was sooo much better than Santa Claus...
Anyhoo...moving on...
I clicked on my Kindle Subscription to one of my uber fave industry blogs - Bufo Calvin's I LOVE MY KINDLE - and read this post headline:
"Author Sells 12 Times as many books at $0.99"
Thinking to myself 'cool, that's a must-read 'cause I've had a very similar experience', I clicked on the post and began to read. Here...check this out:
"Author Sells 12 Times as many books at $0.00"
When I saw that not only did this author have the same experience, but that this author was also, in fact, ME - YOURS TRULY, I'm honestly not sure what happened.
I remember standing up - because I was gonna do a huge 'ole Happy Dance around my living room - but the next thing I knew I woke up on my living room floor, in the fetal position, crying like a baby.
No joke! I think I fainted!!!

You see...I'm a huge fan of Bufo's I LOVE MY KINDLE and consider him one of "the" Go-To-Guys for all-things-Kindle and Epublishing. When I saw that he was following my career, and not just following it, but talking it up, I...well...fainted I guess.
So yeah...sometimes, being a writer makes you...faint!
Cheers to that job hazard! LOL!!!
Anyhoo, if you're a writer, writing-for-publication, subscribe to I LOVE MY KINDLE on Kindle - it's well worth the 99 cents per month subscription fee to have it pushed right to your Kindle - or bookmark the free I LOVE MY KINDLE online version.
Sexy Sassy Smart D. D. Scott-ville Swooning Wishes --- D. D. ScottLabels: Being a Gutsy Romance Writer Girl, Bufo Calvin, I Love My Kindle
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LOL! I love the graphic! Tooo funny!!! I'm so exicted for you! I know how it feels when your writing idol recongizes you. I had that happen with my ever-so-fabulous favorite writer, Jane Porter, who has now turned to friend:)
You got much more, soul sister! Hold on!
Good Morning, D.D., What a fun blog to read & a cute pic to go with it!! I would have loved to see the look on your face, when you realized he was talking about YOU! Best wishes.
Too Funny!!
That graphic is just a hoot, Tonya! LOL!!!
And thanks for the kind words...and wow, you ain't a kiddin' how great it feels when you're recognized on the level of your fave peers!
I would have luuuvvved to see the look on my face too, Jaw...LOL!
I think the only one who got a good peek was my beloved dog Buckley who woke me up 'cause he was licking my nose.
I truly have LMAO about this little episode, Paige.
Thanks for sharing my LOLs.
You rock!!!