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    Tuesday, August 16, 2011

    LIP GLOCK - Book Two of The Cozy Cash Mysteries - is Here!!!

    Huge Happy Dancin' today in D. D. Scott-ville, Y'All!

    One year...almost to-the-day...since my debut release Bootscootin' Blahniks, my sixth book is here!!!

    LIP GLOCK - Book Two of my Cozy Cash Mysteries - is now available on both Amazon Kindle and Barnes & Noble Nook!

    LIP GLOCK - on Amazon Kindle

    LIP GLOCK - on B&N Nook

    The Smashwords version is also coming soon for those of you with Sony and Kobo Readers and/or iPads!!!

    And speaking of it is:

    LIP GLOCK - on Smashwords

    Here's the super-sonic thrill-ride scoop on LIP GLOCK:

    Think Will and Kate gone Bond, James Bond...and the blue-hair version of Charlie's Angels too...Under the Tuscan Sun

    Buckle your seatbelts! Cozy Cash Mystery, Super-Hot, International Crime-Fighting Couple Roman Bellesconi and Zoey Witherspoon - now very Will and Kate gone Bond, James Bond - once again team-up with The Bootscootin' Books' Mom Squad, now the blue-hair version of Charlie's Angels, to recover billions of bunches of hedge fund cozy-cash...but this time, all Under the Tuscan Sun.

    It's a super-sonic speed, action-packin' thrill-ride, full of pot-bellied pigs, hydrofoils, and gelato!

    But what I'm celebrating most about my Journey to Publishing all of readers and fans!!!

    Over the last year, 5500 of you have joined my D. D. Scott-ville Bootscootin' and Cozy Cash Mystery Worlds!!!

    I can't believe it was just a year ago I decided I'd heard this - from traditional NY Publishers - for the last time:

    "We love your voice, D. D., and your books too. You are really very funny. But we just can't sell these kind of books in today's market."

    Well...guess what, NY?

    I can sell 'em, and I have sold ' the tune of over 5500 copies in just the first year!!!

    But again, it's not that I've sold that number of copies that matters most to me...

    It's that I've reached 5500 readers!!! I've made 5500 readers and fans LOL!!! Nothin' matters more to me than that!

    So with LIP GLOCK's release, comes a huge 'ole Thank You from all my heart and soul!!!

    Y'all rock, D. D. Scott-ville!!!

    Cheers to you and Happy Reading too!!!

    The Best of LIP GLOCK Wishes --- D. D. Scott

    P.S. And wait 'til y'all see what's comin' next...

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    Blogger jaw said...

    Congrats, D.D.!!! It's awesome----I just now finished reading it, after downloading it on my Kindle late yesterday afternoon! It was exciting & funny, with lots of twists & turns along the way....I loved Vinnie, too!

    August 16, 2011 at 9:14 AM  

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