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Friday, July 10, 2009
The D. D. Scott "Promo Ho" Bag Is Here!!!
Oh yeahhh!!! It's finally here!!! I'm officially debuting the D. D. Scott "Promo Ho" bag.
That's right. You heard it straight from the word witch's mouth. Find me and my bag the next two weeks between Lake Michigan and Washington D.C., introduce yourself and demand a fabulous bookmark!!!
Here's a hint...right now, we're in Pittsburgh PA resting up for our journey tomorrow into D. C. for the RWA National Conference. 'Til Monday July 21st, you can find my SweetMan and I in the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel and/or out and about in our fabulous nation's capitol.
If you sign up for my mailing list when you see me, you'll also be entered to win a chocolate martini set and/or a paid-for spot in one of my Muse Therapy classes beginning in September.
So don't be shy. Say hi.
Sexy, Sassy, Smart Wishes --- D. D. Scott
P.S. Tomorrow, I'll help you by posting a few pixs of my bag to make spotting me a bit easier!!!Labels: Being a Gutsy Romance Writer Girl
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