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Sunday, July 26, 2009
The Chocolate Martini Set Goes To...
Hello, All!!!
I'm back from RWA Nationals in Washington D.C. and am having a terrific time following up with all the wonderful writers and romance publishing industry pros I met! I'll be blogging a bit later in the week about my DC experience!
But I couldn't leave you hanging any longer as to who the lucky person is who won the fabulous chocolate martini set I'm giving away. I'm mailing this gorgeous and lush-making (LOL!) treat to someone who signed up for my mailing list while at RWA in DC. This person either spotted me and my D. D. Scott Promo Ho bag and asked me to add them to my mailing list or spotted the martini set and pink chaise lounge in the RWA Goody Room and signed up there.
Take a look at this brilliant prize:
And the winner is...Cheryl Rabin!!!
Email me, Cheryl, at ddscott@ddscott.com to confirm your shipping address!
And for those who signed up but didn't get the martini set, don't forget there's still another one of you who will be able to take my Muse Therapy class paid for by moi. That's right...I'm putting one of you "in therapy"...LOL!!!...well Muse Therapy that is...D. D. Scott style. I'll be back in the near future with more info on that treat!!!
Thanks to all of you who joined my D. D. Scott world! We're going to have one helluva fabulous time together!!!
Sexy, Sassy, Smart Wishes --- D. D. Scott
P.S. Be looking for more announcements right here on my blog as well as on my Twitter at http://twitter.com/ddscottromcom and in my e-news (which will have a brand-spankin' new issue coming real soon!Labels: And The Winner Is...
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