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Sunday, July 12, 2009
Here It Is...My D. D. Scott "Promo Ho" Bag!!!

 The wait is over!!!
Here she is...my D. D. Scott "Promo Ho" Bag!!!
Isn't she a beauty?!
All you gotta do is find me and my bag in D.C. at the RWA National Conference in the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, and you'll be the owner of a fabulous D. D. Scott tchotchke!!! And if you sign up for my mailing list between now and July 22nd, you're entered to win a chocolate martini set and/or a Muse Therapy Class.
So don't be shy. Come on by and say "hi".
And don't forget to check out the gallery of the terrific Teri Partridge...the fantastic artist who painted my bag. Here's the link: www.peartreegallery.com
Sexy, Sassy, Smart Wishes --- D. D. ScottLabels: Being a Gutsy Romance Writer Girl
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Hi DD, Great to see you and your colorful bag at conference last week. So great to meet you!
Beth Barany