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    Wednesday, October 8, 2008

    Pygmalion and A Writer's Voice

    Another Hump Day. Another fabulous quote by which to live one helluva sexy, sassy, smart life:

    "People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can't find them, make them." --- G. B. Shaw, 1893

    Gotta dig George Bernard Shaw and his beloved Pygmalion. Just as Eliza Doolittle taught Professor Higgins and Colonel Pickering that you can't turn a woman into something she's not by controlling her and suffocating her voice, heart, spirit and soul, G. B. taught us to go for the gusto. Create our own destiny. Be a gutsy girl.

    But in so doing, Shaw cautioned us to use our own, unique voice and style to manifest that destiny. Once a Cockney flower girl...always at heart a Cockney flower girl.

    Nothing seems more relevant to this life lesson than my journey to find and use my writing voice, maintaining my sexy, sassy, smart tone despite my critics and despite what the market may or may not be favoring at the moment.

    This could be my key to success and sales.

    I completely believe - and would bet on a double gin and tonic on the rocks with lime - that my voice will get me in print.

    Now if I'd go by my contest slut scores, which range from perfect to how-could-you-possibly-think-or-call-yourself-a-writer, I could be a bit discouraged. But oh no. Not this chick. I'd rather have that polarizing voice - love it or hate it - than that voice in the middle that no one feels strong enough to emote about at all, taking it or leaving it but not seeking it out and waiting in long lines for the day it's released in yet another novel-length attempt at humor.

    I found a must-have craft book by writing instructor Les Edgerton called "Finding Your Voice: How To Put Personality in Your Writing" (check it out at if you ever get the chance to take one of Les' classes, don't pass up the opportunity. He's the voice that helped me find my voice and gave me the courage to stay true to my sexy, sassy smart mouth.

    So if you can't find the circumstances or opportunities you're looking for as a writer, don't be afraid to make them yourself, using your own voice.

    And when someone asked you (as if you were Eliza Doolittle) if you're going to walk across the park (and perhaps figuratively fall in line with some other more socially acceptable writing voice), try responding just like Eliza did:

    "Walk! Not bloody likely..."

    Then run (or type) as fast as you can to your own voice and rhythm.

    Sexy, Sassy, Smart Wishes --- D. D. Scott





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