Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Sprinting to 'The End'
Labeling this post 'My Writing Process' is a bit of an oxymoron.
The conceptual perception...perhaps a mirage...that I have a writing process is something I swore I wouldn't, couldn't, and shouldn't perpetuate.
But I swear constantly as a habitually reforming potty mouth. So I decided to just deal with my natural proclivity to do the opposite of what I plan to do (just for the hell...oops...heck of it). Thus, I'm proud to announce that yes, this former pantser is now a fool-hardy plotter.
I took an online class last month from Karen Docter about The 'W' Plot (The Other White Meat for Plotters) and am hooked on the method. Here's the link to Karen's almighty mind: http://www.karendocter.com/Workshop.htm
If you haven't taken her class do so...well...if you're a writer and care about that stuff, take the class. If you're not a writer but rather a reader or a member of my family or inner circle, accept my enthusiasm and know I've discovered a groove to my writing process I hope will keep me a tad more sane while I finish my current novel. So great news for all folks involved...right?! LOL!!!
I'm now driven like a mad, mad, mad sexy, sassy, smart woman to finish this book. And I actually know what's going to happen and in what order...a huge, Huge, HUGE treat for this Romcom Queen Wanna-Be. I'm quite convinced I can type 'The End' for the second time for this book three weeks from now. (Note: The first draft was done the end of July. But I soon learned I needed to add a 100 pages to turn it into single title length.)
You'll feel the earth move when my muses (The Carrie Squad) and I hit the dance floor to celebrate once we've emailed this puppy to my agent.
Sexy, Sassy, Smart Wishes --- D. D. ScottLabels: My Writing Process or Lack There Of
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