Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Writing Quotes and Anecdotes From GCCRWA's Silken Sands Conference
Hello out there!
I'm beyond excited to start a new, recurring blog topic here at http://www.DDScott.com !
It will work like this...
Wherever I go (check out my Where's D. D. Scott page for locations), I'll post fabulous quotes and anecdotes I pick-up from today's Writing World Super-Stars! How fun is that?!
So without further adieu, my inaugural Writers' Kick-Butt Quotes & Anecdotes comes to you first from GCCRWA's Silken Sands Conference this past March where I met the oh-so-terrific Dianna Love, Karen Rose, and Traci Hall.
Here's what they said that was just too darn good to keep to myself:
DIANNA LOVE http://www.authordiannalove.com is not just a best-selling author, she's a fantastic fisher-woman too. She told a story about how very rarely when you fish you're in "the boat" that catches the most fish of the day. With that in mind, she gave writers this advice regarding the writing life:
"Stop and enjoy the moments because you're very rarely 'the boat'."
KAREN ROSE http://www.karenrosebooks.com confessed she's not a 'Garden Worrier', she's a 'Warrior Worrier', and to beat our writing fears, she advised the following:
"I never wrote to get published. I wrote because I loved it. Never forget why you write and have fun. Let go of your fears and just write through them. Readers need us...and that makes our fears worth it!"
TRACI HALL http://www.tracihall.com then put into a LOL! perspective just how tough writing-for-publication is when she said:
"If you're a writer, you've signed-up to be abused!"
Okay...how's that for a few fabulous Writing Quotes and Anecdotes to remember along each of our Yellow Brick Road's to Publishing Oz?!
Yes, there are a ton of Big Ass and Bad Ass Witches, Flying Monkeys, and Apple-Throwing Trees on our writing roads, but if we have the brains, the courage, the heart, oh...and some super-cool shoes, we'll make it to see The Wizard. So harness your inner Elphaba and let your fingers fly across your keyboards!!!
Sexy Sassy Smart Writing-Your-Fears-Away Wishes --- D. D. ScottLabels: Writing Quotes and Anecdotes